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« 今、私たち福島県と茨城県の農民は放射能という「津波」に呑み込まれています | トップページ | 政府は被曝限度量を引きあげるのではなく、事実を説明してください! »

2011年4月 7日 (木)



福島第1原発の原子力事故に対して、米国4月5日付け「ニューヨークタイムズ]紙が、米原子力規制委員会(NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission)が作成した3月26日付けの秘密評価書を掲載しています。

「ニューヨークタイムス アジア 太平洋版」(4月5日 資料1参照)
















結果は バッテリーが4時間使用可能な場合のシミュレーションはこうなります。




















The N.R.C. report suggests that the fuel pool of the No. 4 reactor suffered a hydrogen explosion early in the Japanese crisis and could have shed much radioactive material into the environment, what it calls “a major source term release.”


Experts worry about the fuel pools because explosions have torn away their roofs and exposed their radioactive contents. By contrast, reactors have strong containment vessels that stand a better chance of bottling up radiation from a meltdown of the fuel in the reactor core.








■「ニューヨークタイムス アジア 太平洋版」(4月5日)原文

U.S. Sees Array of New Threats at Japan’s Nuclear Plant
Published: April 5, 2011

United States government engineers sent to help with the crisis in Japan are warning that the troubled nuclear plant there is facing a wide array of fresh threats that could persist indefinitely, and that in some cases are expected to increase as a result of the very measures being taken to keep the plant stable, according to a confidential assessment prepared by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Among the new threats that were cited in the assessment, dated March 26, are the mounting stresses placed on the containment structures as they fill with radioactive cooling water, making them more vulnerable to rupture in one of the aftershocks rattling the site after the earthquake and tsunami of March 11. The document also cites the possibility of explosions inside the containment structures due to the release of hydrogen and oxygen from seawater pumped into the reactors, and offers new details on how semimolten fuel rods and salt buildup are impeding the flow of fresh water meant to cool the nuclear cores.

In recent days, workers have grappled with several side effects of the emergency measures taken to keep nuclear fuel at the plant from overheating, including leaks of radioactive water at the site and radiation burns to workers who step into the water. The assessment, as well as interviews with officials familiar with it, points to a new panoply of complex challenges that water creates for the safety of workers and the recovery and long-term stability of the reactors.

While the assessment does not speculate on the likelihood of new explosions or damage from an aftershock, either could lead to a breach of the containment structures in one or more of the crippled reactors, the last barriers that prevent a much more serious release of radiation from the nuclear core. If the fuel continues to heat and melt because of ineffective cooling, some nuclear experts say, that could also leave a radioactive mass that could stay molten for an extended period.

The document, which was obtained by The New York Times, provides a more detailed technical assessment than Japanese officials have provided of the conundrum facing the Japanese as they struggle to prevent more fuel from melting at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. But it appears to rely largely on data shared with American experts by the Japanese.

Among other problems, the document raises new questions about whether pouring water on nuclear fuel in the absence of functioning cooling systems can be sustained indefinitely. Experts have said the Japanese need to continue to keep the fuel cool for many months until the plant can be stabilized, but there is growing awareness that the risks of pumping water on the fuel present a whole new category of challenges that the nuclear industry is only beginning to comprehend.

The document, which was obtained by The New York Times, provides a more detailed technical assessment than Japanese officials have provided of the conundrum facing the Japanese as they struggle to prevent more fuel from melting at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. But it appears to rely largely on data shared with American experts by the Japanese.

Among other problems, the document raises new questions about whether pouring water on nuclear fuel in the absence of functioning cooling systems can be sustained indefinitely. Experts have said the Japanese need to continue to keep the fuel cool for many months until the plant can be stabilized, but there is growing awareness that the risks of pumping water on the fuel present a whole new category of challenges that the nuclear industry is only beginning to comprehend.

The document also suggests that fragments or particles of nuclear fuel from spent fuel pools above the reactors were blown “up to one mile from the units,” and that pieces of highly radioactive material fell between two units and had to be “bulldozed over,” presumably to protect workers at the site. The ejection of nuclear material, which may have occurred during one of the earlier hydrogen explosions, may indicate more extensive damage to the extremely radioactive pools than previously disclosed.

David A. Lochbaum, a nuclear engineer who worked on the kinds of General Electric reactors used in Japan and now directs the nuclear safety project at the Union of Concerned Scientists, said that the welter of problems revealed in the document at three separate reactors made a successful outcome even more uncertain.

“I thought they were, not out of the woods, but at least at the edge of the woods,” said Mr. Lochbaum, who was not involved in preparing the document. “This paints a very different picture, and suggests that things are a lot worse. They could still have more damage in a big way if some of these things don’t work out for them.”

The steps recommended by the nuclear commission include injecting nitrogen, an inert gas, into the containment structures in an attempt to purge them of hydrogen and oxygen, which could combine to produce explosions. On Wednesday, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, which owns the plant, said it was preparing to take such a step and to inject nitrogen into one of the reactor containment vessels.

The document also recommends that engineers continue adding boron to cooling water to help prevent the cores from restarting the nuclear reaction, a process known as criticality.

The assessment provides graphic new detail on the conditions of the damaged cores in reactors 1, 2 and 3. Because slumping fuel and salt from seawater that had been used as a coolant is probably blocking circulation pathways, the water flow in No. 1 “is severely restricted and likely blocked.” Inside the core itself, “there is likely no water level,” the assessment says, adding that as a result, “it is difficult to determine how much cooling is getting to the fuel.” Similar problems exist in No. 2 and No. 3, although the blockage is probably less severe, the assessment says.

Some of the salt may have been washed away in the past week with the switch from seawater to fresh water cooling, nuclear experts said.

A rise in the water level of the containment structures has often been depicted as a possible way to immerse and cool the fuel. The assessment, however, warns that “when flooding containment, consider the implications of water weight on seismic capability of containment.”

Experts in nuclear plant design say that this warning refers to the enormous stress put on the containment structures by the rising water. The more water in the structures, the more easily a large aftershock could rupture one of them.

Margaret Harding, a former reactor designer for General Electric, warned of aftershocks and said, “If I were in the Japanese’s shoes, I’d be very reluctant to have tons and tons of water sitting in a containment whose structural integrity hasn’t been checked since the earthquake.”

The N.R.C. document also expressed concern about the potential for a “hazardous atmosphere” in the concrete-and-steel containment structures because of the release of hydrogen and oxygen from the seawater in a highly radioactive environment.

Hydrogen explosions in the first few days of the disaster heavily damaged several reactor buildings and in one case may have damaged a containment structure. That hydrogen was produced by a mechanism involving the metal cladding of the nuclear fuel. The document urged that Japanese operators restore the ability to purge the structures of these gases and fill them with stable nitrogen gas, a capability lost after the quake and tsunami.

Nuclear experts say that radiation from the core of a reactor can split water molecules in two, releasing hydrogen. Mr. Wilmshurst said that since the March 26 document, engineers had calculated that the amount of hydrogen produced would be small. But Jay A. LaVerne, a physicist at Notre Dame, said that at least near the fuel rods, some hydrogen would in fact be produced, and could react with oxygen. “If so,” Mr. LaVerne said in an interview, “you have an explosive mixture being formed near the fuel rods.”

Nuclear engineers have warned in recent days that the pools outside the containment buildings that hold spent fuel rods could pose an even greater danger than the melted reactor cores. The pools, which sit atop the reactor buildings and are meant to keep spent fuel submerged in water, have lost their cooling systems.

The N.R.C. report suggests that the fuel pool of the No. 4 reactor suffered a hydrogen explosion early in the Japanese crisis and could have shed much radioactive material into the environment, what it calls “a major source term release.”

Experts worry about the fuel pools because explosions have torn away their roofs and exposed their radioactive contents. By contrast, reactors have strong containment vessels that stand a better chance of bottling up radiation from a meltdown of the fuel in the reactor core.

“Even the best juggler in the world can get too many balls up in the air,” Mr. Lochbaum said of the multiplicity of problems at the plant. “They’ve got a lot of nasty things to negotiate in the future, and one missed step could make the situation much, much worse.”


■米紙、水素爆発の危険を指摘 当局の内部文書に基づき



時事通信 4月7日(木)5時4分配信

■資料2 米“放射能パニック”隠蔽政府にヒラリー激怒「信用できない」












■資料3 原発の全電源喪失、米は30年前に想定 安全規制に活用












■資料4 福島第1原発:冷却用真水の補給で米軍がバージ船提供







« 今、私たち福島県と茨城県の農民は放射能という「津波」に呑み込まれています | トップページ | 政府は被曝限度量を引きあげるのではなく、事実を説明してください! »







70地点の土壌検査が終わり 10地点は再検査、野菜の暫定基準値が高かった所は 土壌の数値も高かったようです、しかも野菜に吸収され数値が上がる 可能性も有る とのこと、
それに加えて 高、中、小、幼の 中と外 約1600ヶ所の線量検査も始まり 取り合えず今は 安全らしいが、
毎日の70地点の線量が 安全なのか ダメなのか さえも イマイチ解りませんが、取り合えず安全らしので トラクタ-動かします。






Japanese goverment should instruct all power companies that they sould construct solar and wind hybrid power genertation near the nuclear plant for station black-out to feed electricity to the emergency power vichcles sustainablly because they need diedel fuel untill ac power will come from the out side grid. ,but if the road got damage by the earthquake, power from the emergency power vihcles may be out when stored diedel is out of stock on the site.

Japanese goverment should order all of the power companies that they should construct water reservoirs near the nuclear power plants for emergency cooling water because sea water cooling is very and great danger and high risk for GE mark 1 reactor design.
would you transfer this idea to the japanese goverment and the media?

My suggestion for farm lands;
Please plant(UERU) sun flower ( HIWAWARI ) to radioactivelly contaminated lands as soon as possible because the sun flower can absorb the radioactive matters.

TEPCO should explain finally where nuclear fuel rods go to after the fuel rods will be taken out from the reactors and pools of the fukushima plant no1. because Rokkasho recyccling facility can treat only the normal( not damaged ones ) fuel rods.
This is one of the long term problems for the neclear industry in Japan.
TEPCO should announce long trem solutuions of the fushima plant shut down. Not only mid. terms solutions ( 6-9 months).

The heydrogen (suiso bakuhatsu ) explosion could be avoided if TEPCO studies NRC station black out simulation reports carefully and sincerelly. The station black out (GAIBUDENGEN SOUSITU) is the most concerned problem in USA nuclear industry. Therefore USA has developed improved GE MARK series designs and AP1000 reactor (W&H)( the most safety reacor so far).But nuclear plant is not necesarry in Japan because of jishin/kaminari/kaji/oyaji( Mr.Shouriki( already passed away )Nakasone( mada seikaide gosogoso siteru) Tanaka Kakuei( kan/gaku/san rengou business model in Japan) gensiryoku mura gentlemens etc.) /taifu/tatsumaki/sunami/kouzui/etc.
We should be harmony with the nature , earth , ocean , land and environment.

Farm lands recovery in Fukushima
What about plantation of
1. renge ( may be okay)
2. daizu ( may be okay)
3. himawari( proven in Chelunobily )
4. others ?
to clean up the raioactivelly contaminated farm lands in Fukushima?

The Japanese coverment instructions to another neclear power plants are not concrete and enogh. I am very wory the second accidents (JINSAI) of the nuclear plants in Japan.
So at the next time, I will tell you what we should recommend the solutions to avoid the second ( after fukushima )or fourth(hiroshima/nagasaki/fukushima )JINSAI accident.

NRC simulation is not AKUMA. The station black out ( DENGENSOUSHITU) is the most concerned matter among nuclear industry in the world but not in Japan ( GARAPAGOSU).
In order to protect lovely Japanese people from Hiroshima/Nagasaki(by USA) /FUkushima(By TEPCO), I tell you now the followings;
1. All neclear plants should have the followings nearby and independent from AC grid, in addition to DENGENSYA ( stupid solution by Japanese goverment);
A. Power generation sources
1) solar panel(Photovalatic)
2) Solar heat power ( solar heat to steam)
3) wind power
4) micro/mini hydro power
5) fuel cell by LPG
6) Ocean wave power by Saga univercity
7) DC/AC inverter ( please tell TEPCO to make sure voltages 400/480 or 200 or 100. I am sorry for saying that TEPCO is an expert of the electicity but actually they could not connect power to ECCS from the DENGENSYA on 11 or 12 March 2011 because of the volatage difference and/or the cable short and/or plug difference. This is one of the reasons of SUISO BAKUHATSU( hydrogen explosion). But now my puporse is to protect Japanese in the near future from TEPCO or other electricity companies.
5) battery charger/storage
The above facilities ( especially the control panels) should be on the firm ground and on the hill ( 20 meters from the sea level because of HEIAN Jizai JOUGAN/MEIJI/SHOUWA/CHILL/SUMATORA jishin/sunami, not by TOUHOKU shinsai). Therefore this time is JINSAI BY TEPCO.
Do you want say about the J goverment responsibility? I do not think so. I will tell you why at the next time because I would make sure the several points of ONAGAWA and FUKUSHIMA. So far TOUHOKU denryoku is sincere organization but TEPCO is not so to determine the highth level of the NUKE design.
B. Watr souces
1) Piped water
2) Dam water
3) Resoiver water near NUKE)
4) River water
5) Ground water
6) Desalinated water by RO ( Reverse Osmasis)
If they do not have the above, please ask J Goverment to stop and suspend the nuclear plants immidiatelly to avoid the fourth time GENBAKU ( Fukushima JINSAI is one of the GENBAKU by TEPCO). I am wondering that all of the GENPATUS now are preparing DENGANSYA but if diedel for the DENGENSYA is not enough by the damaged road by the JISHIN/DOSEKIRYUU/KOUZUI etc.
What may haapen? Do you want have FUKUSHIMA FUKUSHIMA again?
J Goverment and TEPCO are not so seriouslly think about the sation black out even though FUKUSHIMA ia releasing radioactives through air , ocean , water and lands NOW. They may be killer of lovely Japanese after 10 or 20 years or now or in the near future.
All of you must say something to the J goverment to protect your life. And J goverment should announce in the public the details of what they they are going to do for protection of the Japanese people from the nuclear plants.

Station black out in USA and Japan

USA said that the station black out is an extremely unlikely event. nevertheless, the consequences of a station black out should be studied . This was 30 years ago in USA.
On the other hand Japnese goverment what did they say? please tell me what they said in 1992/2009 etc.exactly.

NANOHANA to absorb the radioactive matters from the soil? in addition to
sun flower (HIMAWARI).
Before you run away from the contaminated land. please put HIMAWARI seeds without chemicals ( SIJEN NOUHOU) on your lands to absorb the radioactives.

I have many wonder of TEPCO but now I do not like to say now. TEPCO should
concentrate on thestabilization of Fukushima plant as soon as possible but please do not put news papers,husk and polymer into streamed and flowing water in the trench. DONOU is much better.

year name
. 869 Jougan M7.9-8.3 with tsunami
( Fukushima palnt level was under Tunami water level under the goverment organization servey)
. 1611 keichou sanriku M8.1
. 1678 Miyagi Hokubu M7.5
. 1793 sanriku oki M8.0-8.4? with tsunami
. 1896 meiji sanriku M8.2-8.5 with tsunami 28.7 meters highest
. 1933 showa sanriku M8.1 with tsunami 28.7 meters highest
. 1960 chili tsunami 6 meters
. FUKUSHIMA TEPCO PLAN with tsunami level 5.7 meters WHY? WHY? WHY?
Actually M9? ( Do you belive M9? because they changed so many times please make sure actual magnitude) 15 meters or over.
Therefore this time is JINSAI not TENSAI.
So NO MORE TEPCO. THE Japan should seperate TEPCO into the power generation sectors and power distribution sectors.
Then every body can generate the power and sell it to the power distribution company with solar/fuel cell/wind/mini hydro/biomas/TINETSU(ONSEN)/waste -to energy/ etc.

What went wrong
1. Japanese goverment was overconfidence in the boiling water reactor. They did not required the improvements implemented in USA in 1980s.

2. Histrical informations were ignored as mentioned the above comments about JISHIN?TUNAMI.

3. The diesel tanks locations for the engine generators were at the water front on the groung ( not undergound) STUPID/STUPID/STUPID

4. TEPCOs histrical falsified records about the nuclear such as KASHIWAZAKI and covered up somethings about the accidents

5. NRC required harded wetwell vent etc. ( $ 1 billion investment) but J govermnent did not do so in 1992. WHY? WHY? WHY? They think about mony ( OKANE) only? DO you know almost of the TEPCO profit came from the nuclear? This is my gess. Please ask TEPCO where ( neclear/thermal/hydro ) their profit came in the last 40 yreats. May be may gess is right.





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« 今、私たち福島県と茨城県の農民は放射能という「津波」に呑み込まれています | トップページ | 政府は被曝限度量を引きあげるのではなく、事実を説明してください! »